Monday, April 30, 2012

West Bank Story, a "Quickie Review" of the short film by Ari Sandel

by James Gilmore 
Movie poster for West Bank Story, an Oscar-winning short film by Ari Sandel, on Minimalist Reviews. 
It’s West Side the Middle East!  West Bank Story is must-see for musical lovers and anyone looking for a good laugh on the very serious matter of Israeli-Palestinian tension.  Ari Sandel reconstructs Israeli-Palestinian relations in a microcosm by using two restaurants, one Israeli, and one Palestinian, who clash as a pair of star-crossed lovers work to bridge the gap between their bitter rivalry.  In the end, Israelis and Palestinians end up being more alike than different and it is the customers who come first—i.e., the people, not the conflict.

Rating:  5 / 5